Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursdays in 2013

Coming Thursdays in 2013.....Exercises and workouts for the rest of us.

We will begin by doing one move a week for the first two workout routines.  From there we will focus on areas of the body, flexibility, building bone, building muscle, etc.

These workouts aren't really meant for someone who is already in shape, although you could use these moves to shake up your current routine.  These workouts are meant for people who are not in shape at all, want to start a program, want to build up their program, people who are older, or people like me who need to exercise, but can't do too much all at once due to medical issues such as arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and the like.

For most of our routines you will just be using your own body.  Sometimes you will need a stability ball, a set of light dumbbells, a chair, and a mat if you like.  Also, a resistance band you are comfortable with and a small ball with a little give like those playground kind of balls that you can get at Target or Wal-Mart for around $2.  There will be a walking series that could be done on a treadmill if you can't get outside.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, and although I have seen a lot of physical therapy and have been prescribed many different types of exercises, do not use any information in this series without first consulting with your doctor or therapist, especially if you have medical issues.  Also, if you begin an exercise and it hurts more than just muscle stretching stop immediately.  Franny is not responsible for any injuries you incur trying these workouts.

That being said, I hope you will join us Thursdays in 2013 for this exciting new series.  I am really looking forward to it myself as a tool to keep me going!

Until Next Time.....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Coming in 2013 - Get a Life

Another Bible study we will be doing on Wednesday's in 2013 is Vicki Courtney's Get a Life: Debunking 6 myths for the quest for contentment.  Here is the blurb from Lifeway's website:

Get a Life! by Vicki Courtney counteracts misguided concepts in our culture that can drive women-even those who know Christ-toward a less-than-abundant life. Myths such as "If I follow Christ, my life will be trouble-free" and "If I could just meet the right guy, I would be happy." And although women may know that fulfillment is not found in a remodeled kitchen or new pair of shoes, these false ideals may still impact them more than they realize or care to admit.
This Bible study confronts the worldly perception of what it really means to live "an abundant life" and shows how women can find true abundance. Vicki Courtney's signature high-energy, engaging style makes this resource ideal for women of all ages, even collegians. Text includes leader notes in back.

Until Next Time.....

Monday, November 26, 2012

1 Year to an Organized Life - December Week One

This week you can:

  • journal about holidays past
  • check your calendar to see what you can reasonably add to your schedule
  • plan parties, card and/or gifts
  • consider tools that lighten your load

Americans are great at being busy, and it seems like this is the time of the year that we double everything we do.  It doesn't have to be that way, we can learn to enjoy this season instead of stressing over it.

Begin by answering the journaling questions at the beginning of the chapter.  Some of you like to skip over this section, but I have always found some helpful nugget every time I have done them.

You don't have to do it all!  Check your calendar.  As soon as you know each activity you WANT to attend mark it on your calendar.  Also mark the days when gifts must all be purchased, cards must me sent, etc.  Then DO NOT OVERBOOK!!  Your calendar will be your best friend this season, if it isn't already.

If you are planning a holiday party or meal, use what you learned in November to plan this one as well.  If you did it last month, it's going to be twice as easy this time.  

About cards...some people don't do those anymore.  Some people address the envelopes before Thanksgiving, then sign and mail by December 1.  Some people send a picture greeting and some people write a family letter.  Regina offers a few other ideas in the chapter.  Decide what you would like to do and schedule it in...yes schedule it, or it will get lost in the shuffle.

Gift shopping!  YIKES!!  If you haven't already, start planning this week.  Make your list, shop the sales ads, and make a plan.  Again this needs scheduled in or you will be grabbing last minute items that people may not want and overspending at the same time.  I usually start in October or early November especially if I know exactly what people on my list want.  That gives me plenty of time to watch for sales.  I don't enjoy the black Friday rush, so it is important to me to get it done before then if possible.

While you are shopping, if you don't already have a stash, be sure to make a list of what you will need to wrap those gifts and any boxes you might need if they are to be shipped.

I can't believe we are in our final month!  How did your year go?  Are you heading into this season stress free or are you still juggling? Hopefully you have things under control, or soon will!

Until Next Time.....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Coming in 2013 - Me, Myself, and Lies

Me, Myself, and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild

This is another 6 week Bible study that also has DVDs to go with it.  You do not have to purchase the DVDs to be able to do this study, but it is an option.  You can also download the video content to your computer from

This study is subtitled, a thought closet makeover.  How many times have you felt sabotaged by your very own thoughts?  Yeah, me too.  I'm really looking forward to doing this one!  That is one closet I definitely want to clean out!

Check your local Christian bookstore first, but if you can't find it here is the link from Amazon.

Here is a blurb that gives more description:

Me, Myself, and Lies: A Thought Closet Makeover - Member Book by Jennifer Rothschild provides a personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the group video sessions of this women's Bible study that encourages them to clean out the junk in their minds and replace hidden negative thoughts with positive truths from God's word.
Words are powerful. Especially the words women speak to themselves. All too often, what they say to themselves when they lie in bed at night or look in the mirror in the morning is not even close to the words God wants them to speak to their souls. According to Rothschild, what we think about often has a ripple effect on nearly every area of our lives. (7 sessions)
The Member Book includes:
  • 6 weeks of personal interactive study (five days a week)
  • Viewer guides for the video introductory session plus the 6 weekly video sessions
  • Leader guidance with instructions for facilitating the group sessions

Until Next Time.....

Monday, November 19, 2012

1 Week to an Organized Life - November Week Four

This week you can:

  • create a step by step guide to Turkey Day
  • set the stage
  • clean up the kitchen and restore the house

This one will be short and sweet because it is GO TIME!!!!

If you are following along, you have probably already read the chapter for this week, I know I have.  The goal is to organize the week to conserve our time and energy and not get that for the in-laws!  The chapter breaks down what to do today, Tuesday, Wednesday and then of course Thursday!

The last section deals with the aftermath....but if you have been planning with us all along, this will be a breeze, just simple clean up.

Now it's time to gear up for our next holiday....but let's enjoy this one first!  See you next Monday, and have a very happy, stress-free, blessed Thanksgiving.

Until Next Time.....

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Coming Soon - Made to Crave

Coming Wednesdays in 2013....thematic Bible studies!  To start with, Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst.

Let me be clear, this study is for most anyone.  You do not have to be overweight, you just have to have some sort of issue with food....and doesn't that describe just about all of us?  I am not over weight, but I have actually gone a month at least, and never touched a fruit.  Yep, it's true!  And pizza?  Heck yeah I would probably go out for pizza before doing a whole bunch of other things that God would prefer I do.

This is not a diet plan....this is a plan to get back your "want-to"....wanting to crave God more than food.

To do this study with us on the blog all you need is the Made to Crave book and the Participant's guide.  Yes, you can do the daily activities without ever seeing the videos, but if you are really committed you could get the kit that included the guide and DVD.

Look for it at your local Christian bookstore first, but if you can't find it, here is the link to buy in from Amazon.  I suggest you start reading it and doing the activities on January 1, 2013.  My first post will be Monday January 7, 2013 that will recap that first week.

I am really looking forward to doing this study with you!  Stay tuned the next few Wednesdays to see what other studies we will be doing in 2013!

Until Next Time.....

Monday, November 12, 2012

1 Week to an Organized Life - November Week Three

This week you can:

  • create your to-do list and shopping list
  • design your menu
  • try the menu provided in the chapter from a professional chef
It's just about go time!  Now for the final planning.  We have two lists to make this week.  A to-do list of everything left to do in your home, and a shopping list for the meal itself.  Your to do list might include specific cleaning, decorating, choosing serving dishes and borrowing if needed, etc.

Then we create the shopping list...I actually like this part!  Decide what's for dinner and then see what is already in your pantry and what you will need to purchase.  THEN, grab the grocery ads or look them up online to be sure you get the best deal out there.

When deciding on your menu, don't forget to consider how each item will be cooked.  I like for everything to come together at the same time and be fresh and warm, to do this I use a variety of recipes that use the stovetop, microwave, crock pot and oven.  If you are the kind that can make things ahead of time and warm things up right before the meal, you can have a greater variety.  I wanted to do one of my roasted Brussel Sprouts recipes, but since they mostly take 45 minutes and I only have one oven, I don't think I'll be able to since there will be a revolt at my house if I don't have a certain kind of oven baked rolls!

The rest of the chapter gives you party planning ideas, a menu from a professional chef and other ideas such as delegating.  For example, I could have someone else bring the rolls already baked, then I could do the sprouts!

Here are some links to recipes that I have used for Thanksgiving...I hope you enjoy!!

and there are many more on the blog...

Until Next TIme.....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fruit of the Spirit - Self Control

Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control
By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir

Is the Self-Control working in you?
Here is how you can find out. Take a careful look at this Fruit of Self-Control from God's most precious Word by examining the passages below. Now ask yourself:
  1. How do I exhibit Self-Control in my daily life?
  2. What can I do to develop a better attitude of Self-Control?
  3. What blocks Self-Control from working and being exhibited in me?
  4. How can I make Self-Control function better, stronger and faster even in times of uncertainly and stress?
Galatians 5:22-23
Self-Control (Prov. 16:32; 25:28; Rom 13:12-14; I Cor. 6:12; 9:25-27; 1Thess. 5: 22; Titus 2:12; Heb. 12:2; II Pet. 1:5-7) is allowing God to be in control of your will and heart and seeking the Spirit to enable us. Then we will know what not to do and guard the areas we are weak in. This will allow us to have discipline and restraint with obedience to God and others. It is not letting distractions derail or remove us from His will and plan so we will not be held back with what Christ called us to do.
Self-indulgence is the opposite, from eating a pound of chocolate at once or partying your way to oblivion. Too much excess will leave you empty and alone, it will at best cause us to gain a lot of weight and lose your friends and at worst lose your life and miss out on our heavenly reward! Self-indulgence seeks what is fleeting when we as a Christian are made for eternity.
· Here are positive examples from Scripture (Gen. 39:6-18; II Sam. 16:5-13; Dan. 1:8-16)
· Here is are negative examples from Scripture (Gen. 3:1-7; Nub. 20:7-12; II Sam. 13:1-19; I Kings 21:1-7)
Further Questions
  1. How would you define Self-Control?
  1. What are the things that lure you to be self-indulgent?
  1. How does the excess of life counteract Self-Control?
  1. What happens to our relationships with God and others when we relinquish self-control?
  1. When have you been filled with Self-Control the most?
  1. In what situation did you fail to have Self-Control in which you should have?
  1. What issue is in your life that would improve with more Self-Control?
  1. Think through the steps you need to take to put Self-Control into action in a specific instance. Such as how can you place safe guards against the areas in your life where you are weak in? Or how can you avoid situations, things, certain people and places that may cause you to lose control? Or how can you balance having joy and fun so they do not become excess that lead to sin?
Self-Control is not the subject of the media; you may perhaps never see a movie with this as the premise because it is anti-climatic and perhaps boring. The world wants us to grab all of the gusto that we can, go for that brass ring regardless of the consequences or who we step on to get it or taking the responsibility of our actions. Yet, Christ is calling us by His example and Word to seek what is in eternity that is permanent and lasting not what is fleeting and empty. Christ was our greatest example from the humbleness of the incarnation through Gethsemane to the Cross He was the perfect model of self-control! Self-control will be the key to inner strength that will help deliver us from fear, depression, harm and the pain of life by being focused on Christ and not our circumstances. Christ's strength in us that we cannot do on our own! And the key to receive this strength is our surrender to His Lordship over all aspects of our lives! Remember God wants us to have fun too and enjoy life; we are not to be prudes at the same time we are not to seek sin either!
Remember, we make the fruits by taking His yoke so it will create the blossom, and when we keep His yoke (growth in our faith and practice of being a disciple) you will bear the fruit. It is what we are to Christ not so much what we do in His name.
© 2002 R. J. Krejcir Into Thy Word Ministries

Monday, November 5, 2012

1 Week to an Organized Life - November Week Two

This week you can:

  • sweep through the home to make sure it's ready for guests
  • plan your day through all the details
If you have followed along from the start, you know where your good china is and your kitchen is organized and ready to go.  If you have not, let's start with an emergency clean up plan.  What rooms do your family most often end up in?  This is where you want to focus.  Be sure the dining room and family or living rooms are clean and neat.  Do a 30 minute speed elimination in each room if needed.  There is a detailed plan in this week's reading.

Now is the time to make a plan.  First it is important to set a budget.  Yes, really.  Just like Christmas we can overspend on this holiday just to impress, or when we see cute decorations or an expensive unique food item.  

Then: make a guest list, will it be sit down or buffet, how will the table be set, what kind of beverages, fresh flowers or other centerpiece, background music or football game, candles for the table, tablecloth, do you have enough utensils, enough chairs, will there be a kid table?  Then of course anything that is unique to your family.  

Next week we will talk about the food!

Until Next Time.....