Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fruit of the Spirit - Joy

Galatians 5:22-23

Are you joyful?  Are you waiting for that Joy that Christians talk about to rain down on you?  Wondering where you are supposed to find Joy?

Sorry to say that on a daily basis Joy doesn't just happen.  Joy is more than an emotion, it is a choice, a lifestyle, and sometimes a task.  If you just sit around waiting for joy to hit you, you will be in for a long wait.  

You have heard people say to find the joy in the small things in life.  It is true, and it is very important.  VERY happy is the man who can find some joy in any situation.  When I first moved from the mid west flatlands to the foothills of the mountains, I said I would never get tired of looking at the mountains and I would always appreciate them after spending so many years looking at not much of anything.  But the truth is that as I drove towards those mountains to work everyday, slowly I didn't see them anymore and I got bogged down and grouchy during that commute instead of finding the joy in the beauty of God's creation.

A lot of us are always wanting the newest and latest tech gadget, or maybe coveting the home makeover we just watched on TV.  We find ourselves discontent with what we have or always wanting more.  When is the last time we really looked around at all we have (instead of what we haven't) and thanked God for it?  Your couch might be 20 years old, your walls may be scratched up or covered in dog boogers (does my dog REALLY have to sneeze in the same spot every morning?!) but you HAVE a couch and walls!!  Do you see what I mean?  Tornado season seems like it is hardly over before hurricane season begins.  Think of all that people have lost in the last year due to these disasters.  Not to mentions earthquakes and other natural disasters.  Your stuff looks pretty good right now, doesn't it?

Joy can take a million forms.  It might be found in a beautiful melody, a gorgeous flower, an awesome sunset or sunrise, the nice thing a stranger does for you, the laugh of a loved one, an unexpected hug, the nuzzle of a dog's nose, a few minutes to read part of a book, a steak cooked perfectly, a hawk perched on your deck, a surprise package in the mail, or a sticky note with a smiley face on it.  

Choose to find joy today.  And when you do, write it down or take a picture to remind yourself on those days when it is really hard to choose joy.  Trust me when I say you will be glad you did.

Until Next TIme.....

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