Monday, April 9, 2012

1 year to an Organized Life - April Week 2

From Google Images

This week you can:
  • grab a garbage bag and start pitching the junk
  • consider hosting a product swap
  • put the products you want to keep in categories
  • design a morning routine to save you time
  • start your bathroom product shopping list
I have seen the above pic all over the internet.....I also think I saw it in a magazine maybe, I don't remember.  I DO remember showing it to my husband and asking if he could do that for me.  We have our own bathroom in the master bedroom, but we usually get ready at the same time and that's a delicate dance between the shower and sink area.  I shower first, then do my hair, but by the time I'm ready to do my hair either he is in the shower or just out and we both want the sink area.  PLUS, by now I'm hot flashing again and starting to sweat, so how am I supposed to dry my hair?!  So I have started using the guest bathroom to do my hair and makeup.  It's cooler in there and then we both have elbow room.  But then I have appliances all over the sink area.  Something like this would be awesome to put my tools in when I'm done.  The only real space under the cabinet would be on top of the clean towels and who wants to use a towel that my flat iron sits on.  Let's face it, if you look really close at your curling/flat iron I bet it looks pretty gross with some caked on product!  Especially if it is as old as mine.  Yes I do clean it, but no not everyday!

Remember on speed elimination week that the secret is to work quickly, don't think to hard and don't get bogged down in what ifs.  I love speed elimination!  If you've been following along you know that I'm getting ready for a yard sale as I do all of this, so that's where some of my things will go, but some stuff belongs in the trash.  You'd be very surprised at what some people will buy at a yard sale, but don't put garbage out there!  Any eye makeup, unless you never used it should be tossed.  Any makeup that has expired should be as well.  I had a ton of makeup to throw out!  I've had some of this stuff for about 6-7 years!!  Makeup brushes too; some were brand new, but others I washed with makeup brush shampoo in very hot water, and those I'll put in the sale.  The other thing I had a lot of wash body wash, lotion and spray.  I have to get the great deal at Bath and Body, right?  So when I get "free" stuff is when I try the new scents.  If they are half full or more, I will put them in the sale as long as the bottles aren't gross from hard water stains or soap splashed on them in the shower.  AND as long as they aren't separated or have changed the scent.

So I have a pharmacy tech certificate and my sister has her doctorate, so I have to say something here about medicines.  These should never be kept in the same place where you take hot baths or showers. Moisture and temperature changes can break down a lot of medicines, rendering them ineffective or in some cases dangerous especially to people with certain sensitivities.  Please keep your meds in a cool, dry, preferably dark place.  The people in my family keep meds either in a kitchen cabinet far away from the stove, or on a shelf in the linen closet if it is in a hallway.  In my house, since I don't have either of those things, I keep them in a plastic tote on a shelf in the home office.  The meds that are taken daily or fairly regularly are in a decorative tray in the middle of the kitchen table.

I had to laugh when Regina was talking about her shower routine on page 109.  I too put out my hair goop and deodorant on the counter in the morning.  But for me it's not a gauge as to how close I am to being ready, it's so I don't forget them!!  When I was working I always kept a travel deodorant in my desk.  It was ridiculous how many times I forgot it!!

Happy eliminating!  Don't forget to make a list of anything you need to get to help you be more organized!

Until Next Time.....

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